Welcome to my personal website!
My name is Dominik Honnef and
I am a programmer
living in Germany.
For more information, check out my About me page!
- What I worked on in 2024
- Generating Netlify _redirects from Hugo
- My org-roam workflows for taking notes and writing articles
- My thoughts on the Go Generics Draft
- Harvesting email addresses from public Slacks
- Stripping Go ELF binaries is safe
- Managing Let's Encrypt certificates in Kubernetes with kube-cert-manager
- Merging multiple git repositories
- Statically compiled Go programs, always, even with cgo, using musl
- An incomplete list of Go tools
- What's happening in Go tip (2014-01-10)
- Cross-compiling Go and hidden uses of cgo
- What's happening in Go tip (2013-09-20)
- What's happening in Go tip (2013-09-13)
- What's happening in Go tip (2013-09-07)
- What's happening in Go tip (2013-08-30)
- What's happening in Go tip (2013-08-23)
- What's happening in Go tip (2013-08-15)
- Writing Go in Emacs (cont.)
- Writing Go in Emacs
- Go: on implicit type conversions, type identity and a little gotcha
- Dealing with encodings in Go
- Breaking backwards compatibility in good conscience
- Linux RAID + dm-crypt: poor write performance
- Electronics: my first experiences with various shops
- Electronics: starting small
- Electronics: introducing myself to the world of electronics
- SketchUp Plugin: Selection Manager
- rsemantic — Latent Semantic Analysis for Ruby
- Why you should try tmux instead of screen
- Newton and Cinch — One awesome framework
- Are lightweight IRC frameworks too lightweight?
- Dynamically defining a method on a single instance in Ruby
- About getting help on IRC
- Apache behind a remote lighttpd proxy and the caveats
- Only call super when possible
- "Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns" reviewed